International Conference begins: “From Access to Integration”

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From Access to Integration
An International Conference
Center for Jewish History
November 9-10, 2011

Check back for notes on conference sessions!

“From Access to Integration” is a project of the Center for Jewish History that has been organized to formulate a new process for distributing and disseminating information about the Jewish experience. We already know how access opens doors; we now seek to integrate our projects to serve as transformative tools for intellectual search and discovery, thereby expanding access and ensuring greater dialogue among institutions and professionals worldwide.

Conveners: Stanley N. Katz (Princeton University) & Arthur Kiron (University of Pennsylvania)
Project Director: Judith C. Siegel

From Access to Integration has been made possible by
David Berg Foundation; The Pershing Square Foundation
with additional support from
Carnegie Corporation of New York; The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation; Leon Levy Foundation; The Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe
and the generous support of Center for Jewish History patrons.

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