woman of letters

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by Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

sometimes I wish the sequence of things
could have more closely
resembled the corpus of the Delft master—
a series of moments of contemplation,
delicate with import.
framed by pale glow and white marble,
how could my days not have assumed a
mantle of meaning?
the sun flowing through the many diamond frames
would have illuminated my letters from
old friends and imagined beaus in warrens of anxiety.
and I would have penned responses of
hope and concern.
i would have understood their need,
and the sweep of my stone rooms,
suffused in the calm of northern light,
would have eradicated their epistolary woe.

From The Insatiable Psalm. Click here to learn more about the poetry of Yermiyahu Ahron Taub.

Submitted by Renate Evers, Leo Baeck Institute.

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