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Sixth Day

Hanukkah for the Whole Family
by David P. Rosenberg, Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

Above image: Giant Hanukah candlelight ceremony at JCC, circa 1950. c/o American Jewish Historical Society.

Quizzes – Six questions for the sixth day
The Teachers’ guide for Hanukah 5718 (1957) by Isidore E. Krakower, Director of Religious Education, Religious School of Temple Shrey Tefilo (East Orange, NJ), reviews the basics, and puts an emphasis on the importance of religious freedom:
1) In what Hebrew month does Hanukah occur?
2) What day of the month
   25th day
3) What does Hanukah mean?
4) Give two names of the holiday in English.
   Feast of Lights, Feast of Dedication
5) For how many days is it observed?
   8 days
6) What even tin Jewish history is celebrated?
   The successful struggle against the Greco-Syrian Empire by the Maccabees, for religious freedom, Rededication of the Temple. 
Out of the Archives
The Yeshiva University Museum library here at the Center for Jewish History has a book on Hanukkah menorahs of early Israel Lighting the way to freedom : treasured Hanukkah menorahs of early Israel.
Sound recording

This upbeat digitized recording has a handwritten note on the box “[Henry V.] Besso and Blum [first name unknown] singing Havá Veranená [?] in Hebrew. Middle East Mudic + Fiddler on the Roof Instrumental.”

Henry Victor Besso, scholar in the field of Sephardic Studies, writer, teacher, lecturer, and bibliographer, was born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1905. Click here to view the finding aid for the collection of papers ASF holds.
The kids’ catalog of Hanukkah suggests decorating a matchbox that will be used to light the candles (“Spark your Shammash”) and making a representational menorah out of fruit, with grapes and cherries as the flames (“A Fruity Menorah”).


For many, the quintessential Hanukkah food is Brisket just as much as it is Latkes or Sufganiyah.

There is one recipe in The Jewish Holiday Cookbook for an “Easy Wine-Marinated Brisket” The author says that it goes well with latkes and that a cup of wine, soy sauce, grated onion, celery and garlic is all that is needed for a quality marinate.

On Tuesday, December 18th the Center is hosting an event “Let’s Brisket!” Click here to learn more.

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