Join the 16th Street book club!

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All book club sessions are free and open to the public. Please try to bring your books or e-reading devices with you. RSVPs recommended:

Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY

Upcoming meeting:

— Wednesday, May 29 at 7pm
to discuss Lola, California by Edie Meidav

The year is 2008; the place, California. Vic Mahler, famous for having inspired cult followers in the seventies, serves time on death row, awaiting his execution in ten days. For years, his daughter, Lana, has been in hiding, but her friend Rose, a lawyer, is determined to bring the two together. Yet when Rose succeeds in tracking down Lana at a California health spa, the pair must negotiate land mines of memory in order to reconcile the past and face their futures. A story infused with pathos and wit, insight and lyricism,Lola, California “matches metaphoric wit with an American state that defies summary…A hypnotic and suspenseful tale, tightening toward an irresistible end” (Elizabeth Rosner, author of The Speed of Light).

To see a list of what we’ve already read, click here.

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