

This 1940s bust of Hillel by Ahron Ben Shmuel is a recent gift to our colleciton from Walter Goldfrank. Is the high, domed forehead supposed to suggest his wisdom and if so, is he bald pate a reference to the expression “grass doesn’t grow on a busy street”?

From our partner the Yeshiva University Museum.

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Highlight from Recently Digitized American Soviet Jewry Movement Collections: National Conference for Soviet Jewry Records—Photograph of Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov

by Andrey Filimonov

View digital materials online at http://digital.cjh.org/2027208


Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov at the Plaza Square, NYC, March 12, 1974—Rally on behalf of a Refusenik leading ballet dancer Valery Panov. Pictured on the photo, left to right: Malcolm Hoenlein, founding executive director of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry; Jerry Goodman, Director…

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The Center for Jewish History Releases a Statement on Intolerance

New York, NY (December 11, 2015) – The Center for Jewish History
preserves and offers access to the original evidence of a thousand years
of Jewish experience. Long the targets of intolerance and bigotry, the
Jewish people are especially sensitive to prejudice directed against
others, and we oppose it without qualification.

The toxic virus of Islamophobia now…

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Jewish Populations in Europe, 1750 – 1950: Maps for Your Research

Jewish Populations in Europe, 1750 – 1950: Maps for Your Research

Monday, December 14 6:30pm

the frequently changing borders of European countries in the 18th –
20th centuries, it can be a challenge to understand the locations of
Jewish communities of interest within those countries. On behalf of the
International Institute for Jewish Genealogy, Sandy Crystall developed…

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