Tonight: A Special Evening Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Murder of Leon Klinghoffer Aboard the Achille Lauro

An Evening of Conversation & Stories

 October 8, 1985, terrorists representing the Palestinian Liberation  
Organization stormed the Achille Lauro cruise ship, murdering Leon
Klinghoffer, who was vacationing with his  wife and friends. His tragic
death became a rallying cry in the fight  against terrorism. In the
ensuing years the story was co-opted and  retold through the…

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This article from Jewish Art Salon is interesting and has images of some of the pieces. The exhibit on view at the Yeshiva University Museum here at the Center for Jewish History is not to be missed.

Threatened Beauty by Andi Arnovitz at the Y.U. Museum:

Threatened Beauty

In this exhibition of 33 jewel-like, richly textured collage and watercolor…

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The Issue is Silence: An Address by Rabbi Joachim Prinz, President of the American Jewish Congress, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 1963

From American Jewish Congress records

Courtesy of American Jewish Historical Society 

Allied in the Fight: Jews, Blacks and the Struggle for Civil Rights is on view through October 09, 2015

new exhibit on display in…

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