Ethiopian Jews rescued by the American Association for Ethiopian Jews (AAEJ). Photo taken 1983. American Jewish Historical Society.

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The above photo is from the Howard Lenhoff Papers collection. The Howard Lenhoff Papers were generated and accumulated by Howard Lenhoff starting with his…

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Our of the Archives: 
Amerika, A Musical Tragicomedy in Three Acts and Eleven Scenes, After the Novel by Franz Kafka. Music by Ellis B. Kohs.

The above sheet music is from the collections of the Leo Baeck Institute, one of our five partners here at the Center for Jewish History. 

The Ellis B. Kohs Papers, 1916-2000, can be found at the NYPL’s Performing Arts Library,…

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In honor of Franz Kafka’s birthday, click here to view Hans Fronius’s Kafka-Mappe, illustrations of Kafka scenes (Wien, 1946).

This publication is made available through an in-progress effort to digitally recreate Europe’s largest pre-Holocaust Judaica library. The $300,000 collaborative project entails digitizing copies of more than 1,000 books that went missing from the library during World War II. 

The project is…

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Reuniting Families
by Sarah Ganton, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

A few days ago, the Senate passed a major overhaul of immigration policy. The bill, should it pass in the House of Representatives, would offer a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, enhanced legal avenues for immigration, and a greater emphasis on reuniting families separated in the immigration process….

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