It’s Not Their Business

It’s “Not Their Business!”

קָרִיקָטוּרָה מִפַּעַם

Today’s cartoon in Yiddish appeared 1905 in דיא ווארהייט.

This newspaper in particular and others are made available online by
the National Library of Israel on the website Historical Jewish Press – עיתונות
יהודית היסטורית

and print copies of newspapers and other material are available…

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How to Gellan?

by Kat Fanning, Preservation
Associate at the Center for Jewish History


The first time that I started to
take notice of the multitude of possibilities that applications of gellan was
capable of was at my very first AIC conference in 2016, the 44th annual meeting
in Montreal, Quebec. I’ve been waiting to test its potential…

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“Remember, Der Pass-Vort iss Chorch Vashington:” Combating American Nazi Propaganda in the “Anti-Nazi Bulletin”

By Nicole Greenhouse, Archivist at the Center for Jewish History

Currently, I am working on a project to arrange and
describe a 100 linear foot accretion to the American Jewish Congress Records
(I-77) at the American Jewish Historical Society. As I work through the
collection, I was struck by a run of the “Anti-Nazi Bulletin” that I found in a

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