The Difference Between “Feminism” and “Jewish Feminism”

By Jackie Brettschneider, Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Jewish women have played an important role in improving the rights of women in both the secular and Jewish communities. Some Jewish feminists chose to work for the rights of all women and some chose to work exclusively for women’s rights within the Jewish religion. This created a divide between the broader feminist movement that…

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The far-reaching impact of World War II resulted in massive destruction,
decimation, deprivation, and the unparalleled displacement of people
across and far beyond the European continent. In commemoration of the
70th anniversary of the end of the war, After the War uses photographs,
artifacts, and archival material to document and provide insights into
the end of the war and…

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Remembering Kristallnacht
by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Reference Services Research Coordinator, Center for Jewish History

November 9th -10th marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a series of attacks on Jews in Germany and Austria that was a turning point for the Nazi Party. Kristallnacht is often looked at as the beginning of the Holocaust.

Each of the five partners of the Center for Jewish…

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