Sephardic Journeys: Tsemah David: Dittionario Novo

The rare books and artifacts in this exhibit, Sephardic Journeys, reflect a rich tradition of scholarship and culture shaped by migrations, and they invite, in turn, reflection upon the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys of Jewish history. 

Item above:

Tsemah David: Dittionario Novo
David ben Isaac de Pomis
Ioannem de Gara (Venice, 1587)
Hebrew, Aramaic, Italian, Latin


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Upcoming Programs at the Center

Sunday, June 7, 6:30 pm
Isaac Babel: Life and Works
Presented by YIVO Institute, the Russian American Foundation and RTVi (Independent Russian TV Network), as part of the 13th Annual Russian Heritage Month®
Click here for more information.

Sunday, June 7, 8 pm
Touchdown Israel
Presented by American Jewish…

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