Sephardic Journeys: Seder Ta’aniyot

The rare books and artifacts in this exhibit, Sephardic Journeys, reflect a rich tradition of scholarship and culture shaped by migrations, and they invite, in turn, reflection upon the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys of Jewish history. 

Item above:
Seder Ta’aniyot (סדר תעניות)
Girard Yohan Yanson Uve-Vet Yisra’el Mondovi (Amsterdam, 1771)
Hebrew, Spanish

Beginning in the late 17th century, Amsterdam…

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The full information about the event can be found on the book sale webpage:

Also of note: Gesher Galicia will have their regional meeting at the Center for Jewish History on Sunday at 11 a.m. and the Jewish Genealogical Society will have their monthly meeting on Sunday at 2 p.m.  Both meetings include lectures about genealogical topics. For additional information:

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