The Expanding Access to American Jewish Archival Collections Initiative

By the CJH/AJHS Expanding Access to American Jewish Archival Collections Project Team

The Center for Jewish History (the Center) and the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) have completed the first phase of a multi-step collaborative endeavor to expand access to American Jewish archival collections at local Jewish historical societies and museums, as well as within academic special collections…

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We congratulate winners of the Jewish Book Awards – and took a look at some of the sources used

Michelle McCarthy,
M.S.L.I.S., Reference Services Assistant, Center for Jewish History

Wednesday, March 11th, the 64th Annual Jewish Book Awards
for 2014 were held at the Center for Jewish History. The awards are distributed
each year in 15 categories by the Jewish Book Council to promote the “reading,
writing, and publishing of modern Jewish content in American literature.” These

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No more paper call slips required in the Lillian Goldman Reading Room

By Zachary Loeb, M.S.I.S. Reference Services Librarian – Patron Services

Libraries and archives contain a heck of a lot of paper, and oftentimes getting access to that paper requires (you guessed it) even more paper. For years, visitors to the Center for Jewish History’s Lillian Goldman Reading Room needed to grab a stack of paper call slips if they wanted to…

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Happy Birthday, Dokter Seuss!
by Melanie J. Meyers, M.S., Senior Reference Librarian, Center for Jewish History

March 2, 2012 would have been the 108th birthday of the venerable cartoonist and children’s book author, Doctor Seuss. While Dr. Seuss was not Jewish, his books have a universal appeal that resonates with children (and adults) of all religions and cultures.  His…

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