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AJHS Collections

This image is from the first Jewish queer zine – it is preserved in the Jewish Counter Culture collection (Call number I-504) in the archives of the American Jewish Historical Society here at the Center.

This artifact will be part of a special display during an upcoming program presented by the American Jewish Historical Society on June 23rd: Changing Lives, Making History: CBST…

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Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. 

Take a minute to access one of the thousands of digitized Holocaust artifacts including over 300 oral histories and over 200 memoirs. 

A few selections:
American Jewish Historical Society’s Photograph: Markers for graves of 80 victims found dead of Nazi brutality in the concentration camp at Ludwigslust
Leo Baeck Institute’s National Socialism…

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The Raphael Lemkin collection

By David P Rosenberg, M.P.A., Reference Services Research Coordinator, Center for Jewish History

With the Armenian Genocide back in the news I looked into the Raphael Lemkin collection at the American Jewish Historical Society at the Center for Jewish History. 

Raphael Lemkin coined the term “genocide.” Some of his papers and research materials are held by the American Jewish Historical Society including many index…

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Historical Passover Games

by Miryam Gordon, Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Jewish life in general, and Jewish holidays in particular, places much emphasis on children. Kids are constantly encouraged to get involved in their religion and culture and learn more about it. Perhaps the best way to interact with children in order to encourage them to want to learn is through games. Throughout the archives of…

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