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Highlight from Recently Digitized American Soviet Jewry Movement Collections: National Conference for Soviet Jewry Records—Photograph of Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov

by Andrey Filimonov

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Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov at the Plaza Square, NYC, March 12, 1974—Rally on behalf of a Refusenik leading ballet dancer Valery Panov. Pictured on the photo, left to right: Malcolm Hoenlein, founding executive director of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry; Jerry Goodman, Director…

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Activists and Archivists on Wikipedia: Reflections on the Soviet Jewry Edit-a-thon

By Leanora Lange


On a sunny Sunday in late fall, a quiet, cheerful, powerful event happened in one of the meeting rooms of the Center for Jewish History. A group of activists, archivists, and Wikipedians gathered around a large table, huddled over laptops, and improved coverage of the Soviet Jewry movement on the most widely accessed information resource in…

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The Expanding Access to American Jewish Archival Collections Initiative

By the CJH/AJHS Expanding Access to American Jewish Archival Collections Project Team

The Center for Jewish History (the Center) and the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) have completed the first phase of a multi-step collaborative endeavor to expand access to American Jewish archival collections at local Jewish historical societies and museums, as well as within academic special collections…

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