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American Council for Judaism

Alternative Loyalty and the American Council for Judaism

By Steven Trebach, Research Intern

I am a Research Intern at the Center for Jewish History
(CJH) and a recent graduate of Haverford College. My original goal was to
research dual loyalty, which led me to documents concerning the American
Council for Judaism
(ACJ) within the Center’s Partner’s collections,
particularly the American Jewish Historical Society. In the mid-20th

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American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism

by Ilana Rossoff, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

This post is part of the Jews and Social Justice Series. To view all posts in the series, click here.

Since Israel’s emergence as an independent Jewish state, there have been few organizations to come out of Jewish communities in the United States that openly challenge Zionism or modern-day Jewish nationalism. Some ultra-Orthodox…

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