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american jewish historical society

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Its Organizational History and Internal Historiography

By Elizabeth Hyman,

Assistant Processing Archivist, HIAS Archives Project; current Photo &
Reference Archivist, American Jewish Historical Society

Over the course of three years, in a project funded by
HIAS in partnership with the American Jewish Historical Society, archivists at
AJHS will organize, describe and make available to the public more than a
thousand boxes of historical…

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The Grand Street Boys’ Association, “headquarters of those who really love New York”

By Patricia Glowinski, Archivist at the Center for Jewish History

Processed in the Shelby White & Leon
Levy Archival Processing Laboratory at the Center for Jewish History (CJH) are
the Grand Street Boy’s Association Records, just one of the many archival collections
of the American Jewish Historical Society, one of the five partner institutions
comprising CJH. The…

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