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center for jewish history

New energy in the archives: Reflections on the Archival Fellowship Program

by Leanora Lange, Processing and Institutional Archivist and Digitization Projects Liaison, Center for Jewish History


The summer 2014 Archival Fellows and the Center archivists who ran the program. From top left to bottom right: Katalin Rac, Martha Stellmacher, Martina Ravagnan, Rachel Miller, Jessica Parker, Aleksandra Kubica, Leanora Lange, Isaac Moore, Sarah Ponichtera, and Rachel Harrison. 

The summer of 2014 was…

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By Pulpit & Press: German Reform Comes to America

Exhibition on view through October 25, 2014
at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th Street, NYC)


(Above image fabricated with maps from the David Rumsey Map Collection:

In the mid-to-late 19th century, many German-born rabbis left Germany to practice their faith in the United States. Isaac Leeser, Isaac Mayer Wise, David Einhorn, Max Lilienthal, and Bernard…

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The Molly Picon Story, Part 6: “Isn’t She Wonderful?”

With this post, we wrap up Sarah Ganton’s series on Molly Picon, for decades a household name in Yiddish theater and vaudeville, then a Broadway star and performer with the USO, then a radio personality. We’re very fortunate to have a rich record of her life through the archives of the American Jewish Historic Society, one of the five partners of the Center of Jewish…

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