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children’s books

Did you hear about the new Dr. Seuss book “What Pet Should I Get?” released today?

In March of 2012 Melanie J. Meyers, M.S. Senior Reference Services Librarian, Special Collections, wrote a piece for the blog on Dr. Seuss books in the collections.


Happy Birthday, Dokter Seuss!
by Melanie J. Meyers, M.S., Senior Reference Librarian, Center for…

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Children’s book: Dos ḳetsele. by Leib Kvitko (1890-1952). Illustrated by Y. Dats. Odessa, 1935. 10 pages long. YIVO Institue for Jewish Research.

A little boy and his kitten are best friends and play together day and night. But instead of catching mice at home, the kitten plays and dances with them. When the boy’s mother finds this out, she throws the kitten out of…

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