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Opening Session

Participants: Michael S. Glickman (Chief Operating Officer, Center for Jewish History); Deanna Marcum (Associate Library for Library Services, Library of Congress); Oren Weinberg (Director General, National Library of Israel); Moderator: Stanley N. Katz (Director, Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, Princeton University)

Library and archival institutions worldwide are facing the challenge of selecting, processing and presenting collections of electronic material—both digital surrogates of…

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International Conference begins: “From Access to Integration”

From Access to Integration
An International Conference
Center for Jewish History
November 9-10, 2011

Check back for notes on conference sessions!

“From Access to Integration” is a project of the Center for Jewish History that has been organized to formulate a new process for distributing and disseminating information about the Jewish experience. We already know how access opens doors; we now seek to integrate…

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