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Babka & Beignets: Jewish Foodways of the South

By Cassia Kisshauer
Reference Services Librarian, Center for Jewish History

Babka & Beignets: Jewish Foodways of the South

Food is a way to maintain cherished traditions and connect to ancestors, particularly for marginalized groups. It can also be a method to adapt to a new environment. The American South has a rich Jewish history dating back to the 17th century. Port cities like…

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Nibbles, Noshes, and More: Baking Historical Hadassah Recipes

By Nicole Greenhouse

Hadassah chapters have a long history of fundraising
for Israeli public welfare projects and the Hadassah hospitals in at Mount
Scopus and Ein Kerem. As part of their fundraising efforts, chapters produced
cookbooks, made up of beloved recipes of chapter members. Many of these chapter
cookbooks can be found in the Hadassah Archives.  The team working on…

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Nourishing Tradition: Jewish Cookbooks and the Stories They Tell

Exhibition Opening

Wednesday, June 29 at 6 pm

To celebrate the exhibition Nourishing Tradition: Jewish Cookbooks and the
Stories They Tell,
the Center for Jewish History is excited to welcome Bonnie Slotnick,
owner of Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks. Bonnie will share

some of her


with Jewish cookbooks over many years of selling rare and
out-of-print cookbooks, and bring…

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“Knaidel” is the Winning Word
by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Reference Services Research Coordinator, Center for Jewish History

Perhaps you heard that a Yiddish word won the National Spelling Bee for Arvind Mahankali. Yes, knaidel is spelled K-n-a-i-d-e-l according to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary–the official dictionary of the National Spelling Bee. As you may know, Yiddish is a fusion language of principally German,…

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Consulting Jewish Cookbooks for Thanksgiving
Compiled by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

Jewish cookery book, on principles of economy: adapted for Jewish housekeepers, with the addition of many useful medicinal recipes, and other valuable information, relative to housekeeping and domestic management was the first Jewish cookbook published in America. It has instructions on how to boil…

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