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David P Rosenberg

Thanksgiving Sermons
by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

On April 30th, 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the United States of America. On October 3rd, he declared “Thursday the Twenty-sixth Day of November next” as a day of thanksgiving. On that day, the first Thanksgiving sermon was given by the Reverend Gershom…

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In Honor of Veterans Day 2012
by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

The need to document those in our communities is a longstanding tradition in Judaism. Beginning in Biblical times there was the half-shekel annual accounting of all Jews where “the rich shall not pay more and the poor shall not pay less” (Exodus 30:15).


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In honor of Labor Day: select material pertaining to Samuel Gompers in the partner collections
Compiled by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

“The fact that organized labor as it exists in the late twentieth century is largely the product of the A[merican]F[ederation] of L[abor] and its leaders obscures the federation’s recent and inauspicious beginnings….

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