Browsing tag

earth day

“E-Waste Recycling at the Center for Jewish History”

By Lauren
Paustian, Associate Librarian for
Technical Services, Leo Baeck Institute

Center for Jewish History and its partner institutions strive to preserve Jewish
history and culture for future generations.
As collection stewards and community builders, many staff members of the
Center for Jewish History and its partner organizations also make an effort to
promote environmental responsibility.

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Earth Day 2012

by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

Boy in corn field, Woodbine, New Jersey (ca. 1900)
American Jewish Historical Society. Click here for more information.

In celebration of Earth Day, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on the spectrum of Jewish thoughts on the environment. Simply looking at the bibliography and…

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