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Into the Woods: Blau-Weiss, the German Zionist Hiking Group


Image: Courtesy of Leo Baeck Institute

By James Benjamin Nadel, Communications Outreach Associate

As the summer ends, and opportunities to explore the great outdoors grow fewer, I wanted to draw attention to the little discussed history of Jewish hiking organizations. Several of these youth groups existed in pre-World War II Europe, but one stands out in particular for…

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Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums)

Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums)

In 2011 the Center for Jewish History and the Leo Baeck Institute, one of its five partners, embarked on a project with Goethe University Frankfurt am Main to digitize nearly 1,000 books that went missing from the university library’s Judaica collection during the devastation of World War II. The goal of the project was to digitally recreate the Freimann Judaica Collection as…

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Letter from Willy Hellpach to Martha Kubatzki on Reichstag stationery, 1930

Out of the Archives
An Epistolary Romance
by Catherine Greer, Archival Processing Fellow, Center for Jewish History

I spent two weeks at the Center for Jewish History as a Graduate Archival Processing Fellow. The twelve-day program provided me with a wealth of theoretical knowledge, hands-on experience in archival processing–and an…

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Out of the Archives
Submitted by Kevin Schlottmann, Levy Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History

From the Leo Baeck Institute’s Helen Ollendorff Curth Collection ([AR 25004]).

Excerpt from the above June 1933 letter:

“I doubt whether I can really give you authentic information on the German-Jewish doctor question. I happen to know, because I have a married sister in Cork, that…

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