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Carrying Hanukkah gifts to hospitalized servicemen, 1918. American Jewish Historical Society.

“Text on back of photograph: "1918 – Carrying Chanuka gifts to hospitalized servicemen at the Ninth Naval District Hospital, Great Lakes, Illinois. Reading from your left to your right: 1. Louis Diamond (deceased), J.W.B. Field Representative at Great Lakes Naval Training Center ; 2. Mrs. Adolph Epstein (deceased), Racine, Wisconsin ; 3. Mrs….

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Eight soldiers gather with their Jewish chaplain to put finishing touches on giant menorah, circa 1950. American Jewish Historical Society.

Text on back of photograph: “Eight soldiers gather with their Jewish chaplain to put finishing touches on giant menorah for Hanukah celebration at Ft. Eustis, VA. Other Jewish GIs, in other lands celebrate holiday as part of JWB’s year-round, world-wide program of religious and…

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