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Fifth Day

Hanukkah and the National Jewish Welfare Board
by David P. Rosenberg, Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

Above image: Chaplain Samuel W. Chomsky lights the traditional Hanukkah candles, December 19, 1954. Text on back of photograph: “Over 300 servicemen and veteran patients of all faiths were the guests of the Beverly Hills B’nai B’rith Men’s Lodge at a USO-Jewish…

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Fourth Day

Hanukkah Celebrations Outside of America
by David P. Rosenberg, Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

Above image: 1948. Text on back of photograph: Chanukka party, Jewish Gemeinde, Munich. Child lights candles. Chaplain Dicker, Munich, Germany. Mrs. Lilyan Zerrent, American dependent [?] wife of Captain S. Zerrent, 1372 Franklin Ave., Bronx, NY in the background. National Jewish Welfare Board Records…

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