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Industrial Removal Office

Jews in the Mines: The Industrial Removal Office Contends with Butte, Montana

June 21, 2024
By Cassandra Euphrat Weston, 2023-24 Lapidus Graduate Fellow

Jews in the Mines: The Industrial Removal Office Contends with Butte, Montana

In January 1904, Henry Jonas of Butte, Montana, wrote to the Industrial Removal Office (IRO) in New York, asking for their help sending a man named A. Pickholz from New York in order to work in Butte’s booming copper mines,…

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“Yours very respectaly, M. Blum”: Correspondence between a New Jersey Jewish Farmer and the Industrial Removal Office, 1902-1905

By Lauren Gilbert, Director of Public Services, Center for Jewish History

“Yours very respectaly, M. Blum”: Correspondence between a New Jersey Jewish Farmer and the Industrial Removal Office, 1902-1905

In response to the massive waves of Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe around the turn of the 20th century, leaders of the German-Jewish community in New York City founded the rather forbiddingly named Industrial Removal…

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Reuniting Families
by Sarah Ganton, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

A few days ago, the Senate passed a major overhaul of immigration policy. The bill, should it pass in the House of Representatives, would offer a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, enhanced legal avenues for immigration, and a greater emphasis on reuniting families separated in the immigration process….

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