Browsing tag

j.d. arden

Women in the Performing Arts: Molly Picon 
by J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S. candidate, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

The transition of the performance industry of America from stage to film was difficult for many to manage. One of the most beloved Jewish American actresses who managed that transition successfully was Molly Picon. We all remember her as the elderly but impish Yente…

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Reflecting on Memorial Day
by J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S. candidate, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Above imageNational Jewish Welfare Board Records, 1952, Passover in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Starr, 1575 Federal. Pfc. Morton Gutstadt of Fitzsimons Army Hospital tried out the gefilte fish of Mrs. Starr. From the Collections of the American Jewish Historical Society.

Honoring the…

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National Poetry Month
On a Poem by Leyb Kvitko
by J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S. candidate, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Inscrutable Cat
by Leyb Kvitko (c.1890-1952), 
translated from Yiddish by A. Mandelbaum & H. Rabinowitz

This poem is taken from The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish Verse, published in 1987, and is one of many such books available in the Lillian Goldman…

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National Poetry Month
On a Poem by Yehudah Amichai

by J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S. candidate, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

The poem “First Resurrection” (תחייה ראשונה) is from the poem cycle “Four Resurrections in the Valley of the Ghosts” by Yehudah Amichai (יהודה עמיחי 1924-2000), read in Hebrew above by writer Leon Wieseltier as part of the “CultureBuzz” Amichai poetry series on…

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