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Folktale Friday

Do you want
to read some Jewish Folktales?

Well, you are in luck… we have plenty in the collections at the Center
for Jewish History! There are over 400 books categorized under the
“Jews—Folklore” category; and nearly 700 under the “Folklore” category.

highlights you can read here at the Center for Jewish History – 

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“The First Jewish Feminist:” Ernestine Rose

By Jackie Brettschneider, Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Ernestine Rose is popularly known as the first Jewish feminist. It didn’t take her long to realize that women weren’t treated the same way as men. Her views were extremely progressive even from a young age, and she stated that, “I was a rebel at the age of five.”….

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This image is from the first Jewish queer zine – it is preserved in the Jewish Counter Culture collection (Call number I-504) in the archives of the American Jewish Historical Society here at the Center.

This artifact will be part of a special display during an upcoming program presented by the American Jewish Historical Society on June 23rd: Changing Lives, Making History: CBST…

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The Molly Picon Story, Part 6: “Isn’t She Wonderful?”

With this post, we wrap up Sarah Ganton’s series on Molly Picon, for decades a household name in Yiddish theater and vaudeville, then a Broadway star and performer with the USO, then a radio personality. We’re very fortunate to have a rich record of her life through the archives of the American Jewish Historic Society, one of the five partners of the Center of Jewish…

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