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Public Grief in Personal Papers: Condolence Letters to the Klinghoffer Family

By Leanora Lange

Personal papers are usually just that—personal. They relate to an individual and may reveal what may have otherwise been private, information that was exclusive to this person and perhaps a select group of relatives or friends.

The Klinghoffer Family Papers are unlike any other personal papers I have processed. They…

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Tonight: A Special Evening Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Murder of Leon Klinghoffer Aboard the Achille Lauro

An Evening of Conversation & Stories

 October 8, 1985, terrorists representing the Palestinian Liberation  
Organization stormed the Achille Lauro cruise ship, murdering Leon
Klinghoffer, who was vacationing with his  wife and friends. His tragic
death became a rallying cry in the fight  against terrorism. In the
ensuing years the story was co-opted and  retold through the…

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