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Leo Baeck Institute Collections

Reflecting on the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom—
50 years ago today

by David P. Rosenberg, M.P.A., Reference Services Research Coordinator, Center for Jewish History

Rabbi Uri Miller, president of the Synagogue Council of America, recited a prayer during the March on Washington in 1963. It included:

Thou [G-d] hast endowed all men equally with the rights to live, to liberty…

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Visiting the Einsteins, 1929-1932

Albert Einstein’s guestbook with entries by: Stern, M. Laue, Edwin Fischer, Charles Rosenbloom, Chaim Weizmann, Lola Hahn, Ruggiero Ricci, Hermann Struck, Erich Kleiber, Margarete Herrmann. Leo Baeck Institute.

For more, visit the Center for Jewish History’s Flickr photostream.
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Our of the Archives: 
Amerika, A Musical Tragicomedy in Three Acts and Eleven Scenes, After the Novel by Franz Kafka. Music by Ellis B. Kohs.

The above sheet music is from the collections of the Leo Baeck Institute, one of our five partners here at the Center for Jewish History. 

The Ellis B. Kohs Papers, 1916-2000, can be found at the NYPL’s Performing Arts Library,…

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