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Leo Baeck Institute

Nourishing Tradition: Jewish Cookbooks and the Stories They Tell

Exhibition Opening

Wednesday, June 29 at 6 pm

To celebrate the exhibition Nourishing Tradition: Jewish Cookbooks and the
Stories They Tell,
the Center for Jewish History is excited to welcome Bonnie Slotnick,
owner of Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks. Bonnie will share

some of her


with Jewish cookbooks over many years of selling rare and
out-of-print cookbooks, and bring…

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“E-Waste Recycling at the Center for Jewish History”

By Lauren
Paustian, Associate Librarian for
Technical Services, Leo Baeck Institute

Center for Jewish History and its partner institutions strive to preserve Jewish
history and culture for future generations.
As collection stewards and community builders, many staff members of the
Center for Jewish History and its partner organizations also make an effort to
promote environmental responsibility.

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Family History Today 2016


Free Events for Genealogists of All Levels

May 15 – 24, 2016

The Center for Jewish History invites family historians of all backgrounds
to explore their roots at the landmark Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute.

Participants can learn how to begin family
history research with the guidance of expert genealogists, delve into federal records

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