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Louis Lipsky

Third Day

Hanukkah and Young Judea
by David P. Rosenberg, Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

Above image: Lighting the Menorah at Young Judaea Event, circa 1940s-1950s. Hadassah Archives c/o American Jewish Historical Society.

Efforts to organize youth did not always take the pluralistic stance that Aleph Zadik Aleph did. The above photo is from a Young Judaea Event….

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Click on the text of the poem above to see an enlarged version for easier reading.

“Homeward” by P. M. Raskin was published in The Maccabaean in May 1917. 

As Naomi W. Cohen explains in her article “The Maccabaean’s Message: A Study in American Zionism Until World War I” (Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3, July 1956, p. 163):

“Four years after the…

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