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Michael D Montalbano

Out of the Archives: Early Collaboration
submitted by Michael D. Montalbano, M.A., M.L.I.S., Institutional Archivist / Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History

Some 25 years before the American Jewish Historical Society, Leo Baeck Institute and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research came together as three of the five partners of the Center for Jewish History, they were meeting to discuss potential for institutional collaboration on…

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The American Jewish Historical Society meets the U.S. War Department’s Military Intelligence Branch
by Michael D. Montalbano, Institutional / Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History

Although propaganda existed in a variety of forms prior to the 20th century, its scale and use of the technology during World War I was unprecedented. To counteract the intended effects of propaganda, governments established various defenses, the main…

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