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Great Treasures in the Great Hall: A New Series for a Special Space at the Center


Currently on display in the Center’s Great Hall: A Shavuot papercut from the early 20th century. From the Collection of Yeshiva University Museum.

In addition to the Partner exhibition spaces, permanent art installations and the David Berg Rare Book Room, the Center has recently started to showcase treasures from all of the Partners in an innovative combination of electronic and…

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Letter from Willy Hellpach to Martha Kubatzki on Reichstag stationery, 1930

Out of the Archives
An Epistolary Romance
by Catherine Greer, Archival Processing Fellow, Center for Jewish History

I spent two weeks at the Center for Jewish History as a Graduate Archival Processing Fellow. The twelve-day program provided me with a wealth of theoretical knowledge, hands-on experience in archival processing–and an…

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Theodore Bikel Sings “Mu Asapru”
by J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S. candidate, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History

Click here for audio.

Here is a classic Passover song which can be a fun challenge in counting backwards in Yiddish after drinking wine. 

מה אספּרה, מה אדברה אותך
װער קען זאָגן, װער קען רעדן װאָס די 1 באַטײַט
איינער איז…

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