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National Poetry Month

Selections from Yingl tsingl khvat by Mani Leib, illustrated by El Lissitzky.
Yingl tsingl khvat images from YIVO microfilm printout 00004383.

From the Norton Jewish American Literature Anthology: “The most famous of [Mani Leib’s] ballads was Yingl tsingl khvat, a narrative about a boy who, stuck in the shtetl mud, persuades a nobleman to give him the magic ring and flying horse…

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Click on the text of the poem above to see an enlarged version for easier reading.

The Buried Woman
by Gertrud Kolmar 

Gertrud Käthe Chodziesner (10 December 1894–March 1943), known by the literary pseudonym Gertrud Kolmar, was a German lyric poet and writer. She was born in Berlin and died, after her arrest and deportation as a Jew, in Auschwitz, a victim of…

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woman of letters

by Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

sometimes I wish the sequence of things
could have more closely
resembled the corpus of the Delft master—
a series of moments of contemplation,
delicate with import.
framed by pale glow and white marble,
how could my days not have assumed a
mantle of meaning?
the sun flowing through the many diamond frames
would have illuminated my letters from

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