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National Poetry Month

The Hour

by Shmuel Hanagid (born 993 – died after 1056)

She said: “Be happy that God has helped you reach 
The age of fifty in this world,” not knowing 
That to me there is no difference between my life’s 
Past and that of Noah about whom I heard. 
For me there is only the hour in which I am present in this world: 

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At the Sewing Machine (from Songs of the Ghetto)

Poem by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) with translation from Yiddish by Berthold Feiwel (1875-1937). Illustration by Ephraim Moses Lilien (1874-1925). 

Berlin, Benjamin Harz Verlag ca. 1902.

Collection of Yeshiva University Museum (1996.023). Gift of Michael Cohn.

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Click on the text of the poem above to see an enlarged version for easier reading.

“Homeward” by P. M. Raskin was published in The Maccabaean in May 1917. 

As Naomi W. Cohen explains in her article “The Maccabaean’s Message: A Study in American Zionism Until World War I” (Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3, July 1956, p. 163):

“Four years after the…

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At the Café
by Anna Margolin


Alone in the café now,
as voices hush and fade,
as lamps give off a pearly glow
and float out of the café
and over the street—
like luminous swans.

—Waiter, black coffee—demitasse!

Alone in the café now,
with moments rustling like silk,
I raise my dusky fragrant wine
to the street, to the distance.
And like…

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