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Out of the Archives

Philanthropy Among the Landsmanshaftn

by Sarah Ponichtera, Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History

The landsmanshaftn collections of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research here at the Center illuminate the complex role of philanthropy in immigrant Jewish culture. Although the majority of the records concern apparently mundane affairs of collecting dues and reserving graves, buying Israel bonds and making dinner reservations for meetings, their constitutions reveal a wide array…

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Out of the Archives: From the Department of Lost Irony

by Alyssa Carver, Project Archivist, Center for Jewish History

The Leo Baeck Institute’s newly processed Florence Mendheim Collection of Anti-Semitic Propaganda (AR 25441) contains a variety of American-made, pro-Nazi material from the 1930s, and even among such unpleasant company this publication stands out. On the cover of each issue of the National American Bulletin stands this figure: a muscular, loincloth-clad Native American…

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Out of the Archives: Birthday Card for a “Wanderer”
by Kevin Schlottmann, Levy Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History 

This birthday card, found in the Leo Baeck Institute’s Margaret Rothenberger Family Collection (AR 25465), is part of a scrapbook documenting the Rothenberger family’s two years in France, 1933-1935, after they fled Germany and before they immigrated to the United States.  


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