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Out of the Archives

Hans Wolfgang Schwerin. Click on images above for enlarged views. Pictures of the poet; a copy of his published volume of poetry (Irdische Heimat); a poem from this volume; the poet’s dedication of the book to the Leo Baeck Institute; a binder that contains his personal notes/drafts; a typewritten poem from that binder; the cover of the Mass und Werte issue in which his work appeared; a copy…

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Out of the Archives: “File Problems” in Tunis (1983)
by Kevin Schlottmann, Levy Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History

This letter from the Tunis office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC, or “the Joint”) is in response to a records management survey questionnaire. It describes the “file problems” encountered by the office staff there: A swift kick, a few choice…

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Out of the Archives: A Jewish Chaplain in Post-Liberation Dachau
by Rachel C. Miller, Senior Project Archivist, Center for Jewish History

One month after the liberation of Dachau, Army Chaplain Max Braude wrote this spirited letter to his wife, Eunice, recounting his day of relief work with 700 women survivors. Eunice Braude passed her husband’s letter on to Philip S. Bernstein, who was then the…

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The American Jewish Historical Society meets the U.S. War Department’s Military Intelligence Branch
by Michael D. Montalbano, Institutional / Processing Archivist, Center for Jewish History

Although propaganda existed in a variety of forms prior to the 20th century, its scale and use of the technology during World War I was unprecedented. To counteract the intended effects of propaganda, governments established various defenses, the main…

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