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Highlight from Recently Digitized American Soviet Jewry Movement Collections: National Conference for Soviet Jewry Records—Photograph of Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov

by Andrey Filimonov

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Freedom Birthday Party for Valery Panov at the Plaza Square, NYC, March 12, 1974—Rally on behalf of a Refusenik leading ballet dancer Valery Panov. Pictured on the photo, left to right: Malcolm Hoenlein, founding executive director of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry; Jerry Goodman, Director…

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Activists and Archivists on Wikipedia: Reflections on the Soviet Jewry Edit-a-thon

By Leanora Lange


On a sunny Sunday in late fall, a quiet, cheerful, powerful event happened in one of the meeting rooms of the Center for Jewish History. A group of activists, archivists, and Wikipedians gathered around a large table, huddled over laptops, and improved coverage of the Soviet Jewry movement on the most widely accessed information resource in…

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Public Grief in Personal Papers: Condolence Letters to the Klinghoffer Family

By Leanora Lange

Personal papers are usually just that—personal. They relate to an individual and may reveal what may have otherwise been private, information that was exclusive to this person and perhaps a select group of relatives or friends.

The Klinghoffer Family Papers are unlike any other personal papers I have processed. They…

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