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Out of the Archives

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

Wikipedia Edit-a-thon at the Center

By Leanora Lange

A Wikipedia edit-a-thon was held on July 22, 2015, open to staff members from the Center and its partners as well as students from the YIVO summer program. Twenty people attended a training session on Wikipedia and basic editing, and several stayed for an open editing session that followed. Although the session was initially focused…

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The Expanding Access to American Jewish Archival Collections Initiative

By the CJH/AJHS Expanding Access to American Jewish Archival Collections Project Team

The Center for Jewish History (the Center) and the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) have completed the first phase of a multi-step collaborative endeavor to expand access to American Jewish archival collections at local Jewish historical societies and museums, as well as within academic special collections…

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New energy in the archives: Reflections on the Archival Fellowship Program

by Leanora Lange, Processing and Institutional Archivist and Digitization Projects Liaison, Center for Jewish History


The summer 2014 Archival Fellows and the Center archivists who ran the program. From top left to bottom right: Katalin Rac, Martha Stellmacher, Martina Ravagnan, Rachel Miller, Jessica Parker, Aleksandra Kubica, Leanora Lange, Isaac Moore, Sarah Ponichtera, and Rachel Harrison. 

The summer of 2014 was…

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NY Archives Week: FREE events

The Center for Jewish History and its Partners are participating in New York Archives Week with the following FREE events. Please join us!

Sunday, October 5

1pm-2pm: Open house advice session (Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Great Hall, first floor)
Learn how to store, preserve, and archive your family memorabilia and collections! Experts will be on hand to answer your questions about special topics…

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