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Rachel Tutera

Our of the Archives: 
Amerika, A Musical Tragicomedy in Three Acts and Eleven Scenes, After the Novel by Franz Kafka. Music by Ellis B. Kohs.

The above sheet music is from the collections of the Leo Baeck Institute, one of our five partners here at the Center for Jewish History. 

The Ellis B. Kohs Papers, 1916-2000, can be found at the NYPL’s Performing Arts Library,…

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Out of the Archives: The Palestine Pound (1948-1952)
by Rachel Tutera, Project Archivist, Center for Jewish History 

This Palestine Pound was found within the Samuel J. Citron Papers, a collection currently being processed for the American Jewish Historical Society at the Center for Jewish History. Born in Poland in 1908, Dr. Citron immigrated to the United States at approximately 13 years old. He studied…

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