Browsing tag

Reform Judaism

Alternative Loyalty and the American Council for Judaism

By Steven Trebach, Research Intern

I am a Research Intern at the Center for Jewish History
(CJH) and a recent graduate of Haverford College. My original goal was to
research dual loyalty, which led me to documents concerning the American
Council for Judaism
(ACJ) within the Center’s Partner’s collections,
particularly the American Jewish Historical Society. In the mid-20th

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Reform Judaism Founders in America: Isaac Mayer Wise, David Einhorn, and Max Lilienthal

By Josh Daniels, Former Research Intern

Daniels is writing a two-part series of blog posts on the intellectual foundations
of Reform Judaism. See his first post here.

Once Reform
Judaism began to spread to America, it encountered a very different environment
than the one it came from back in Germany.
Politically, the American Constitution…

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An Introduction to the Thinkers of Reform Judaism

By Josh Daniels, Former Research Intern

Growing up in a secular household,
I had only a loose connection to the religion of Judaism.  I attended Hebrew school twice a week for
five years, and studied eight months independently for my bar mitzvah.  I attended High Holiday services throughout
my high school years, and ended up all but renounced my religious identity…

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