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Who’s the Puppet Performer for the Russians?

“Who’s the Puppet Performer for the Russians?”: a translated
Hebrew Cartoon from 74 years ago

קָרִיקָטוּרָה מִפַּעַם

Today’s cartoon in Hebrew appeared in translation in 1943 in the
newspaper Al Hamishmar. This newspaper and others are made available online by
the National Library of Israel on the website Historical Jewish Press – עיתונות

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Gimpel Beynish, Yiddish cartoon from NYC 100 years ago

Gimpel Beynish, Yiddish cartoon from NYC 100 years ago

Read from right to left!

Today’s cartoon in Yiddish first appeared 1916 in דיא וואַרהייט. This newspaper and others are made available online by the
National Library of Israel on the website Historical Jewish Press – עיתונות יהודית היסטורית. Microfilmed and print copies of newspapers and other material are

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