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“From Access to Integration” Summary Session

November 10–second day of the conference. Summary Session led by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Program Director, Core Exhibition, Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, and University Professor, New York University

Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett began the “From Access to Integration” summary session by saying that this conference was a worthy, fitting and appropriate way to celebrate the Center’s ten-year anniversary. Later, she added that we could…

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In review: “From Access to Integration” sessions

In addition to the Digital Project Demonstrations, the “From Access to Integration” conference (which the Center hosted Nov. 9-10) included:

Evening Session: A Discussion

Two prominent creative and strategic leaders in the field of digital technology and the humanities, shared their thoughts about the potential and the pitfalls of a digital humanities future. Douglas Greenberg (Executive Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University) and Günter Waibel (Director,…

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The new “Portal to American Jewish History” site is not yet live, but this screenshot provides a preview of how it will look. (See the previous post on the Portal for more information.)

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