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The David Berg Foundation

Sephardic Journeys now open in The David Berg Rare Book

The rare books and artifacts in this exhibit, Sephardic Journeys, reflect a rich
tradition of scholarship and culture shaped by migrations, and they invite, in
turn, reflection upon the physical, emotional and spiritual journeys of Jewish

Item above:

Sefer Tikkun Sofrim u-Mikra Sofrim (ספר תקון סופרים ומקרא…

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Purim Association financial record of money raised in charity balls. 1901. From the collections of the American Jewish Historical Society.

This image is featured in Contributors to the Cause, a traveling exhibition about the history of Jewish philanthropy in the United States presented by the Center for Jewish History and made possible by The David Berg Foundation.

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List of donors to the Association for Free Distribution of Matsot to the Poor. 1850s. From the collections of the American Jewish Historical Society.

This image is featured in Contributors to the Cause, a traveling exhibition about the history of Jewish philanthropy in the United States presented by the Center for Jewish History and made possible by The David Berg Foundation.

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Letter from General John Tyler to Bernard Judah, remembering Samual Judah’s generous support in the struggle for independence. 1824. From the collections of the American Jewish Historical Society.

This image is featured in Contributors to the Cause, a traveling exhibition about the history of Jewish philanthropy in the United States presented by the Center for Jewish History and made possible by The David Berg…

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