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United States Presidents

In Honor of Presidents’ Week – Archival Resources at the Center

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the only President to serve more than two terms, appointed Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court in 1939. The American Jewish Historical Society has an archival collection that contains the above interesting note (from the Felix Frankfurter papers, 1916-1958, P-430, Box 1, Folder 1, American Jewish Historical Society).


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President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Jews: Part One
by Ilana Rossoff, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History


(This image is from the White House slideshow, “Our Presidents.”)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is considered one of the most popular and accomplished presidents in American history. He pulled the U.S. economy into recovery from the Great Depression, contributed…

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American Presidents Between the Two World Wars
by J.D. Arden, M.L.I.S. candidate, Reference Services Research Intern, Center for Jewish History


On this Presidents’ Day, in the wake of one of the most heated political campaigns of recent memory, it is interesting to look back at how the interests of American Jews figured into the presidential scene of three presidents—Warren G….

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Circa 1942. Text on back of photograph: President Franklin Roosevelt expressing appreciation for the effectiveness of JWB’s [Jewish Welfare Board’s] religious activities program in rallying support of the Jewish community behind war efforts. Photo from American Jewish Historical Society Archives.

U.S. Presidents and Jewish Officials
by David P. Rosenberg, Senior Reference Librarian – Collections, Center for Jewish History

With Presidents’ Day approaching, I remembered…

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