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Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums)

Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums)

In 2011 the Center for Jewish History and the Leo Baeck Institute, one of its five partners, embarked on a project with Goethe University Frankfurt am Main to digitize nearly 1,000 books that went missing from the university library’s Judaica collection during the devastation of World War II. The goal of the project was to digitally recreate the Freimann Judaica Collection as…

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In honor of Franz Kafka’s birthday, click here to view Hans Fronius’s Kafka-Mappe, illustrations of Kafka scenes (Wien, 1946).

This publication is made available through an in-progress effort to digitally recreate Europe’s largest pre-Holocaust Judaica library. The $300,000 collaborative project entails digitizing copies of more than 1,000 books that went missing from the library during World War II. 

The project is…

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