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Yeshiva University Museum Collections

Get Out the Vote: Jewish History and Past Elections in the Great Treasures in the Great Hall Case

By James Benjamin Nadel, Communications Outreach Associate

As the
nation prepares to head to the polls this November 8th, the American Jewish Historical Society and the Yeshiva
University Museum have developed a display of their materials that demonstrate
Jewish involvement in political elections of the past. The items included,
which span across nearly a century of American history,…

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Nourishing Tradition: Jewish Cookbooks and the Stories They Tell

Exhibition Opening

Wednesday, June 29 at 6 pm

To celebrate the exhibition Nourishing Tradition: Jewish Cookbooks and the
Stories They Tell,
the Center for Jewish History is excited to welcome Bonnie Slotnick,
owner of Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks. Bonnie will share

some of her


with Jewish cookbooks over many years of selling rare and
out-of-print cookbooks, and bring…

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This 1940s bust of Hillel by Ahron Ben Shmuel is a recent gift to our colleciton from Walter Goldfrank. Is the high, domed forehead supposed to suggest his wisdom and if so, is he bald pate a reference to the expression “grass doesn’t grow on a busy street”?

From our partner the Yeshiva University Museum.

Search the collections of all…

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The Issue is Silence: An Address by Rabbi Joachim Prinz, President of the American Jewish Congress, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 1963

From American Jewish Congress records

Courtesy of American Jewish Historical Society 

Allied in the Fight: Jews, Blacks and the Struggle for Civil Rights is on view through October 09, 2015

new exhibit on display in…

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