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YIVO Collections

Selling Chanukah in America

By Cassia Kisshauer
Senior Reference Services Librarian, Special Collections

Selling Chanukah in America

As Chanukah transformed in 20th century America from a smaller, home-based festival to a popular public holiday, businesses saw an opportunity to manufacture and market decorations and gifts to Jewish consumers.

In the mid-19th century, new waves of German Jewish immigrants focused on Christmas as a winter holiday, in order to…

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Death Masks at the Center for Jewish History

By Lauren Gilbert
Director of Public Services, Center for Jewish History

Death Masks at the Center for Jewish History

Death masks, molded from plaster in the first hours after death before the features have stiffened or atrophied, were used for centuries to preserve the appearance of nobility and other eminent persons as models for posthumous sculptures or painted portraits. In the 19th century,…

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“A Very Ticklish Problem”: The AJC Response to the Rosenberg Trial & Execution

By Lauren Gilbert
Director of Public Services, Center for Jewish History

“A Very Ticklish Problem”: The AJC Response to the Rosenberg Trial & Execution

Convicted of passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed 70 years ago on June 19, 1953, the first and only American civilians to face the death penalty for espionage. At the time, many…

Did you hear about the new Dr. Seuss book “What Pet Should I Get?” released today?

In March of 2012 Melanie J. Meyers, M.S. Senior Reference Services Librarian, Special Collections, wrote a piece for the blog on Dr. Seuss books in the collections.


Happy Birthday, Dokter Seuss!
by Melanie J. Meyers, M.S., Senior Reference Librarian, Center for…

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