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YU Museum Exhibitions

This article from Jewish Art Salon is interesting and has images of some of the pieces. The exhibit on view at the Yeshiva University Museum here at the Center for Jewish History is not to be missed.

Threatened Beauty by Andi Arnovitz at the Y.U. Museum:

Threatened Beauty

In this exhibition of 33 jewel-like, richly textured collage and watercolor…

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Click on the images above to see enlarged versions for easier viewing/reading.

At the Sewing Machine (from Songs of the Ghetto)

Poem by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) with translation from Yiddish by Berthold Feiwel (1875-1937). Illustration by Ephraim Moses Lilien (1874-1925). 

Berlin, Benjamin Harz Verlag ca. 1902.

Collection of Yeshiva University Museum (1996.023). Gift of Michael Cohn.

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